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A French company incorporated as société anonyme SA à conseil de surveillance with a share capital of 892 002.60 euros whose registered office is at 746, avenue Ambroise Croizat, Crolles, F-38920, France, which is registered on the Grenoble Trade and Companies Register under number RCS N°442 055 893

APE Code : 7211-Z

SIRET number: 442 055 893 00022

Intra-community VAT number: FR84 442 055 893

Publishing director : Henri SORS

CNIL number: 1592598 v 0

In accordance with the provisions of the French law of January 6, 1978 regarding computer services, files and civil liberties, the automated processing of personal data performed on this Website has been declared to the CNIL (future number).

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The site was created by 24-7 , on the initiative of ELICITYL SA Marketing and Communication Department.

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The general reproduction structure of texts, animated images or otherwise and any other component of the Website are the sole property of ELICITYL SA. Any total or partial representation of this Website by any process whatsoever without the express authorization of ELICITYL SA is forbidden and shall constitute unauthorized reproduction penalized by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Code of intellectual property.

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Similarly, databases appearing on the Website, which is protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code concerning incorporation of the European directive of March 11, 1996 regarding the legal protection of databases produced by ELICITYL SA.

If this website contains links to other websites, ELICITYL SA and its Subsidiaries provide such links for your convenience and assumes no responsibility for the content or function of any such linked websites.

ELICITYL SA and its Subsidiaries disclaim all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, legality, reliability, or validity of the content and function of any such linked websites. ELICITYL SA and its Subsidiaries additionally neither endorse nor recommend any such linked websites.

Industrial trademarks

ELICITYL SA is a registered trademark and its products Oligotech®, PEL101GV®  are protected by the appropriate patents and Trademarks.

Graphic carter

ELICITYL, Oligotech®, PEL101GV®are trademarks. Any use of these brand names and/or their logos must be authorized by ELICITYL SA or its subsidiaries.

Photo credits

Photos published are copyrighted and belong to their respective owners.

Web hosting

Name: 24-7
Adress: 441 rue Charles de Gaulle – 38920 CROLLES
Phone: 04 76 71 84 47
RCS number: Grenoble B 477 914 204
Share capital : 7 500 €